de Nolhac (1859-1936)
his book, La Reine Marie-Antoinette, Pierre de Nolhac tells the story
of a Queen but also the story of a woman.
Along four chapters, he leads us through the
main events that marked the life of the last Queen of France before
the revolution
Using simple words, the author makes us understand
why Marie-Antoinette was decapitated in October 1793 whereas she had
been adored and beloved when her reign started.
Marie-Antoinettes life is like an antique tragedy where
fatality rules human destiny. The events, the persons, the places
that transformed Marie-Antoinette into an historical character are
slightly revealed word after word, page after page.
Pierre de Nolhac first
drops us in the political reality of being a Queen and then he focuses
on the Court and the fêtes without forgetting the secrets of
the Queens intimacy, the famous Trianon and finally, the French
revolution. This book is set as a literary and historical reference
and gives us more clues on Marie-Antoinette, the famous Queen
of France.
Around the book : Sofia
Coppolas movie
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Product dimensions : 5'12 x 7'87 inches
ISBN : 2-35245-000-4
Public price : 14.50 euro
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